Non-Negotiables with the amazing Erim Kaur


What does your morning routine look like?

I wake up around 10am (I’m not a morning person) - I do my work better at night time so I end up sleeping at 3am! I pray, shower and then I have breakfast. It’s really important I start my mornings slow and of course skincare and haircare with my ByErim essentials! 

What are your tips for productivity?

I love doing lists, I find that I get the most stuff done the second I have an idea to do something, especially if it’s a small task, if I do it there and then it has a more likely outcome instead of me forgetting 

Desert island beauty item?

The ByErim hair oil

Most used apps?

WhatsApp in Dubai for business and then Instagram purely because I like to spend a long time editing and strategizing my content 

What does wellness look like to you?

I would say wellness is something that comes from within. We can do everything on the outside but it’s what’s on the inside that counts. For instance, it’s important to have a balanced and varied diet and staying regulated IE you have slept enough hours, well fed you’d be able to reach the optimal levels and reach the goals and regulating yourself emotionally etc 

What inspires you creatively?

I find a lot of inspiration when I’m out and about in London - even simply seeing the way people are styling themselves,  the way they represent themselves. I like to do a bit of people watching haha 

How do you unwind?   

I love chatting to my friends, staying in and cooking food 

When do you feel at your most productive? 

I feel the most productive at night-time, you’d find me at 11pm with my laptop on my bed and in deep concentration mode! 

Thank you so much Erim!

Follow Erim on Instagram here and Twitter here



Non-Negotiables with the fabulous Katy Lassen


Non-Negotiable’s with the lovely Angharad George-Carey