Non-Negotiable’s with the amazing Jessie Hyman, founder of Pruzan

Pruzan was founded by two athletes based in London and Los Angeles. We got the pleasure of speaking with Jessie one of the co-founders, in this weeks non negotiable.

Pruzan speaks to an evolving profile of runners who seek intentional design, security and performance on and off the track. Their collection is inspired by bodies in motion and the intention to create a sustainable, higher-mileage wardrobe.

3 things you always have in the fridge

Oat milk, cheese, olives

When life is really busy, how do you carve space to maintain peace

Going through my daily run routine is my time to unwind myself from any stress and be outside. While I'm running, I let my mind wander and feel free from the pressure to be productive or to work. Instead, I remind myself I'm doing exactly what I should be doing which is putting one foot in front of the other.  

How do you take your coffee and how many a day?

A Grind Nespresso pod + a heavy pour of oat milk at home. 

I used to thrive off coffee but at the expense of breakfast and would crash later in the day! What a waste! Now I eat breakfast first and decide if I want a coffee. I do love coffee shops so if I'm out and about I'll grab an oat milk latte, Roslyn is a favourite spot.

Travel hacks and tips, do you have an inflight routine

I put a podcast in and snooze on most flights! The Uniqlo lightweight down jacket has saved me on flights, it folds into a tiny pouch and can be used as a pillow or as an extra layer if it gets chilly.

What is your ultimate indulgence that makes you more productive

An ergonomic at home work set up. I hope to graduate to a standing desk one day.

Top 3 apps

Google Maps (I'm always planning my commute and then still somehow show up 20 minutes late. I also feverishly pin places to save reminders of restaurants to try, shops to check out, new places to visit)

Shopify (Life of a small business owner)

Strava (It's a place to support each other's running online and I love being in the loop of my friends training.)

What does wellness look like to you?

Time with my partner, my dog, my friends, my community, eating delicious food and being outdoors as much as possible!

Thank you so much Jessie!

Follow Pruzan on Instagram here and shop Pruzan here



Non-Negotiable’s with the amazing Lauren & Holly, founders of Olive & Pickle.


Non-Negotiables with the fabulous Katy Lassen