Non Negotiables with Cherelle Brown

The inspiring Cherelle Brown who is the founder of Kitsch Noir. The award winning, family friendly, black greeting cards and stationery brand is talking all about her non negotiable’s, enjoy!

Do you work best In the mornings or evenings

It really depends on my mood and what's going on for me during that specific period! I have produced really satisfactory work at 7am but also at 10pm! But I must say, waking up early always sets the tone for a productive day for me, even if I start working after lunch, that usually means I would've got a nice amount of self care completed in the morning which is just as important as 'work' for me.

What are your tips for getting organised

Planning as far ahead as possible! I like to plan my whole month ahead and then love dissecting it into weeks and days. Anyone that knows me, knows I cannot live without my physical calendars and planners! My top tip is using my large monthly wipeable calendar. It sits on my wall and makes all my tasks and goals for the next few weeks super clear.

Tea or coffee

Oooh, that's a tough one! I love both. But I'm going to go for tea. I recently went on holiday and didn't drink coffee once, I was fine! But I had to reach for a tea at least 3 times during the vacation! I think I only crave coffee when I'm in work mode, tea is more of a comfort and pleasure for me. 

Go to comfort meal

Spaghetti Bolognese with lots of cheese! When I'm feeling lazy or want to feel cosy and watch a film after a long day, I quite enjoy the process of making this meal as I don't have to think about it and can do it with my eyes closed! The result always bangs and its so moreish!

Favourite thing about living in London

The diversity and variety of so many different communities. There's so much to learn and it's so easy to meet people from different backgrounds. I also love how easy it is to get around. No where is more than an hour away when you're in London. (Unless you are going to somewhere in Croydon haha!)

When launching your business what advice were you given that’s stuck with you

Always remember to ask yourself - "Do I love this & ultimately; am I enjoying this?" My Dad always drummed it into my head from such a young age, that if you are not enjoying what you are doing, maybe you need to rethink? I've been in so many jobs where the answer was "No." and I've tried to ride them out, knowing it wasn't for me. But since starting KitsCH Noir, I've honestly loved every moment. There have been hard times but I am truly doing what I love and the bottom line is - I enjoy the majority of it. 

What are some things you do for self care

These may seem like weird ones, but I plan, tidy up and clean. LOL - I think we get so confused with self care sometimes because we think it has to be luxurious, cost a certain amount or be enjoyable. But I have come to realise that the most vital parts of looking after myself consists of many basic things like having a tidy, peaceful living and work space, knowing my bed is made before leaving the house, making sure my laundry is done and folded away and having a plan for the next day. All these activities aren't necessarily 'fun' but they are my top non negotiables when it comes to caring for myself. 

How do you switch off from work as a busy female founder

I take regular breaks, go to meet friends, go for walks or spend time with my family! 

Follow Kitsch on Instagram here x


Non Negotiables with the brilliant Sydney Piercey


Non Negotiables with the fabulous kim brown