Non Negotiables with the brilliant Sydney Piercey

Sydney is an author, content creator and a mother of 4. Her and her family packed up their lives in London and moved to the Provence countryside and have recently settled to rebuild what is set to be a beautiful family home on a farm.

1. What’s a typical morning like for you?

My kids wake up first, and join us in our room. They read stories or play with their toys at the end of our bed and (usually) let my husband and I wake up slowly before we all go down for breakfast and to feed our animals.

2. How do you carve out time for yourself alongside having 4 young children?

It’s tricky and ever changing! I’m never really alone as my youngest is just a few weeks and I’m exclusively breastfeeding. So my alone time (which used to be horse riding or time out of the house with a friend) has to be closer to home at the moment. Mostly it’s resting - anything I can do and not have to think about - like losing myself in a good book once my kids are asleep. I recently read The List by Yomi Adegoke, oh my word. It’s a must read!

3. Tea of coffee?

How do you take it?

Hot water and lemon! I can’t really do caffeine as I’m naturally quite high energy so caffeine sends me over the edge! Instead I prefer a hot water and lemon to slow down my nervous system.

4. Your family travel all together and it’s so beautiful to see, are there any go to things to make it feel less stressful?

We drive rather than flying. It’s an environmental decision but also means we’re more in control of the journey, not having to be anywhere by a certain time, and can go at our own schedule and stop and start when we need. Living in the South of France we are really lucky to have Europe at our fingertips. We can be in Spain in 4 hours by car or Italy in a day and the views and pitstops taken at our own pace on the way make the journey as exciting as the destination.

5. We’ve loved watching your journey online and your content has served as reminder to slow down and enjoy the small moments of life. But you have carved out an amazing career as an author and content creator.

How do you manage them both?

Childcare! We have an amazing childminder who our kids love, who comes to our house and takes care of the kids every weekday until lunchtime whilst I work from home. It’s a time I can count on to have to myself each day, whilst being close to my children. I don’t get always get everything I want or need to get done in that time, but once the time is up, I’m pretty good at saying to myself – “ok let’s go and live life now” and embrace time with my family and going slowing with them all. Ultimately, that’s my priority right now. Just being with them and enjoying the everyday.

6. Your ultimate luxury item (can be food beauty clothes anything)

At home massages. I’m forever with a small person (or two!) in my arms which has wreaked havoc on my back! My husband and I began treating ourselves to massages with a therapist we’ve known for years. She comes to our house and it’s such an epic treat.

7. Staple food shop/ Grocery run items

Milk, Chocapic and Cheerios are always on the list for the kids breakfast! Then fruit and veg which varies depending on the season. Our local fruit and veg shop is one of my favourite places - everything is locally sourced, best of the season, hardly any plastic and they keep recipe books dotted around the place so you can get inspo while you shop! Rosé is another staple in our house, we live in rosé region so there’s great rosé here at such great prices. It’s for my husband and friends though - I’ve recently gone alcohol free so none for me.

8. Are you a morning or evening person?

Ooo such a tricky one! We live on a farm and waking up in the morning to the sounds of our goats, our neighbours’ chickens and all the other sounds of nature is magic! But evenings are special, we eat dinner as a family most nights and everyone takes it in turns to share something good and something bad about their day, and we watch the sunset from one of our fields. Then once we’ve read stories and put the kids to bed, my husband and I can have our time together, and talk to each other uninterrupted! Best of everything really!

Thank you so much Sydney!

Follow Sydney here on Instagram

Go check her book out too; Sustainable Play



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