Non Negotiables with the brilliant Laura Merritt

Laura Merritt is the co founder of her PR agency - Merritt Tate and specialise in traditional PR, events, influencer and brand partnerships.

Most used apps?

Whatsapp, Citymapper, Instagram and, how depressing – Hinge.

Non negotiables in your morning routine

My morning shower and skincare routine is my favourite part of the morning. I love my bed and being in bed so having to get out of it in the morning is torture, the hot shower and all my creams and potions seem to soften the blow. Also, coffee.

Any productivity hacks you can share?

Lists! I live for a list. I have a list for everything – things I need to do, things other people need to do, things I need to buy, ideas, goals. If it’s on a list then I know at some point, sooner or later, I have to tick it off.

When you need to switch off what do you do?

I’m a big champion of mindlessness. I know everyone is talking about mindfulness but really for me my brain is in overdrive for majority of the day due to the fact I run my own business and am a single woman who dates men (ew) and is prone to overthinking (lol) so it’s important for me to fully turn my brain off where possible. That’s why I adore really terrible television, it’s the best thing for switching off! Below Deck and The Real Housewives are my go-to lobotomy shows.

Online food delivery or actual supermarket shop?

If I’m having people come to stay then I will do a big online shop, otherwise I’m one of those terrible people who hit up the small Sainsburys every other day when really, I should just to a sensible weekly shop. Sunday is Deliveroo day.

Top 2 songs on your playlist?

At the moment there is just one! I’m obsessed with ‘Got me started’ by Troye Sivan. I’ve got it on repeat and my toxic trait is thinking I can easily do the dance routine from the video (spoiler alert I cannot).

You travel a lot, what’s your long haul flight routine?

I’m all about efficient travel. I’m away so often for both work and pleasure so for me it’s just about keeping everything simple so I’m not boarding a long haul flight with too many unnecessary items. I take minimal hand luggage – usually just a large bottle of water from airport Boots, my skincare, my phone, charger, passport and (if I’m working) my laptop. I’m that person on a long-haul flight doing a full skincare routine, which will involve some kind of chemical exfoliant followed by a sheet mask, a facial mist and then sealing it all in with Aquaphor or Cicaplast. I also can’t say no to an in-flight Bloody Mary or 3 to put me to sleep whilst I put on a movie.

You are the founder of your own PR Company - what does a typical week look like?

Well, I actually have a wonderful co-founder too thankfully so we share the load, but yeah – we are busy! I saw a tarot card reader and she told me work was going to be overwhelming until January and I think she nailed it. Typical weeks these days seem to always involve at least one event, lots of emails, pitching out stories, writing copy for press releases or founder interviews, calls (so many calls), speaking with potential clients and checking in with our wider team on coverage opportunities and influencer activity. No day is the same.

Go-to cocktail?

Margarita always, with a Tajin rim if possible please. If not available, then a Paloma.

What does wellness look like to you?

Gosh - I think I’m still figuring this out honestly but I’m always looking for balance! Sometimes if I’m really overwhelmed it’s as simple as going for a run, washing my hair, covering myself in moisturiser and doing my nails whilst I listen to a podcast in bed. More often than not though, wellness is a simple as deleting dating apps.

Thank you so much Laura!

Follow Laura here on Instagram



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